Recipe of the Day! Homemade Tomato Soup.

Cooking from scratch is an almost lost art for a lot of folks now days, especially the younger generation.  However, it is very rewarding and satisfying for the maker and the eater. I'm going to share with you one of my favorite recipes that is a big comfort food for me, quick and easy to make. Also want to note that no recipe is set in stone! I don't like to measure or make things exactly the same every time I make them so when I do make this recipe it is generally just a hint. I like to study cookbooks to see what other people like to add together and create my own dishes that way. Most of them turn out great! Here's my version of:

Homemade Tomato Soup:

Melt 2 Tablespoons of Butter (or olive oil if you don't have butter) in a saucepan.
Chop some onion and garlic real fine. How much depends on your taste. I like lots so I'll use a half an onion and several cloves of garlic. (you can also use dried onion or garlic)
Saute it in the butter. When it's lightly brown add:
2 Tablespoons Flour (all purpose flour works fine)
Stir that into the butter and cook for one minute.
Meanwhile, open one large can of Tomato sauce and add it to the butter, flour, onion mixture.
Stir that up really good, add about a half a can of water. Cook this for 1-2 minutes at slow simmer.
While that is cooking, add some spices: Salt, ground black pepper, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, a dash of cumin,  (all those are good. and I don't measure. I add and taste as I go. But probably I add a half to a full teaspoon of the green spices, just a quick dash of cumin and salt and pepper to taste.)
Also add about a half a teaspoon of sugar. This helps bring out all the flavors.
After your tomato sauce mixture has bubbled for at least one minute or more, then add about 2 cups of milk.
Mix really well, I like to use a whisk to mix it up and get any clumps out.
Bring this up not quite to a boil. Basically you just want to get it nice and hot like a good soup should be but if you let it boil after you ad the milk it will turn out strange.

And it's done! Serve with grilled cheese sandwich, or croutons and cheese chunks!
This is one of my favorite quick recipes in a pinch! Total time to make depends on how fast you chop onions!



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