
Showing posts from November, 2015

Keeping Chickens Healthy

I recently had a bout with Fowl Pox in my flock of chickens. I had never had this problem and wasn't sure what was going on with them! Most of them came down with strange black spots on their combs, wattles and even a few of them had it on their legs. They looked droopy and their egg production went down by about 70%. This is very horrible when you depend on the eggs to pay for their feed bills and your egg customers don't get very many eggs! I did a lot of research and didn't want to give them any antibiotics or medicine that would carry through to the eggs so I started putting a little simple medicine called Vet RX in their waterer and on their combs. It smells like Eucalyptus and mint and seemed to give them some relief, especially the ones that were having stuffed up noses and a hard time breathing. I also added Colloquial Silver to their waterer and that seemed to help them as well. There are other natural remedies that could be used but those worked well for me. ...