
Showing posts from March, 2014

Lambing Season on the Farm

Spring has officially started in this year!. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. The trees are all budding and becoming green again. The flowers are beginning to bloom. And my favorite of all, the animals are being born. Here on my little farm I raise Shetland Sheep. I love that breed because they are small, gentle natured, good looking, and provide wool for spinning and adorable lambs to watch! I only have 5 ewes and one ram so far but as of right now 2 of my Shetlands and one random Katahdin ewe that I have, have given birth to a total of 4 babies. They are now at the age where they share mothers, jumping up on whoever might be laying down. They butt heads, play tag, play race, chase and king of the mountain. It is so much fun to sit out in the pasture with them and watch them frolic and play. We have 2 more ewes that should be lambing soon and I'm excited to see their babies!

Flying Turkeys!

At my small farm I recently purchased two half grown female turkeys to be mates to my tom turkey that I already had. They are somewhat nervous birds, compared to the tom who loves attention and will come up to you and let you pet him. They are beautiful, but nervous. They live in the shed with about 8 geese and 3 ducks. The geese are bullies and always picking on someone. They think they rule the whole farm and have even attacked the pony while it was being ridden. That's another story though. Frequently I let the geese and ducks and turkeys loose in the great outdoors so they can graze, swim in the larger sized tub and run around and eat bugs. They love it and get so sad when I don't let them out. A few days ago, when I let them out, the two female turkeys decided to jump (or fly) to the roof of my rabbit shed and then to the tallest branches of the tree that shades the rabbit hutch! I was so surprised. I had no idea that turkeys loved to be up so high. The first day they ...

How many people know how to cook from scratch?

My family eats dinners cooked from scratch. Growing up in another country, we didn't have the facility and ease that most Americans currently enjoy. We had to plan, prepare, and make everything we wanted to eat. There were no pop tarts, instant potatoes, frozen dinners or already chopped up frozen veggies or things like that. So, we had to make do. We cooked from scratch. We rolled our own pie crusts, even for things like quiche and chicken pot pies. We ate simple meals for the most part. We chopped, boiled, baked, fried, sauteed and made our own meals, all three of them each day. My own journey into cooking started when I was a girl. My mother was always frustrated with me because I wanted to be creative in the kitchen and didn't want to follow a recipe. I would concoct things that were at times edible and more often than not, I was the only one brave enough to actually eat it! Thankfully I didn't traumatize or poison anyone in my learning curve of young girlhood! One of...