Lambing Season on the Farm
Spring has officially started in this year!. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. The trees are all budding and becoming green again. The flowers are beginning to bloom. And my favorite of all, the animals are being born. Here on my little farm I raise Shetland Sheep. I love that breed because they are small, gentle natured, good looking, and provide wool for spinning and adorable lambs to watch! I only have 5 ewes and one ram so far but as of right now 2 of my Shetlands and one random Katahdin ewe that I have, have given birth to a total of 4 babies. They are now at the age where they share mothers, jumping up on whoever might be laying down. They butt heads, play tag, play race, chase and king of the mountain. It is so much fun to sit out in the pasture with them and watch them frolic and play. We have 2 more ewes that should be lambing soon and I'm excited to see their babies!