Stories From the Amazon - Starting an Equestrian Center
In my early twenties I came to a turning point in my life. I felt like I had two paths to choose from as far as which direction to go with life in general and as I prayed about what to do and asked God for clear direction I felt like either one was a path He would bless and allow me to walk on. My first choice was to go to Veterinary college and become a vet. Now in Brazil, to get into college is different from getting into college here in the United States. You have to know what degree you want to pursue and which college you want to attend and then you go take a long college entrance test for that degree and if you pass you are allowed to go to that college for that subject. Before this turning point I had spent about a month or so in Rio de Janeiro with some missionary friends of ours and I saw in the newspaper that a college there was offering this test and one of their degrees was Veterinary Medicine. I had up to that point never really considered trying to get into college in Br...