Stories from the Amazon - Favorite Rivers
In the jungle there is not much to do as far as recreational activities except going to the rivers. Of course in the Amazon, all rivers eventually lead to the great and mighty Amazon river. Even the smallest creek waters end up there. But I want to tell you about some of my favorite rivers that we swam in. To start with of course, the Amazon itself. I was born in a city right on the banks of the Amazon but never swam in it until my 8th grade year when I was 13 years old. My parents sent me to boarding school for missionary kids in that year. It was a beautiful location and groups of kids lived in a home with a missionary couple. This particular year something went wrong with the well or the pump and they told us that we had to bathe every day in the river. So every day we would get on our swim suits and jump off the dock into the beautiful river, attempting not to lose our slippery bar of soap. If you swam too far out the current would be strong but along the bank it was just like a l